Mp3 Players - Music For Everyone

Mp3 Players from leading brands such as Sony, Creative, Archos and Philips are now available here at lower Web prices, as well as the full range of iPods (Classic, Touch, Nano, Shuffle)...

Browse by capacity by selecting the categories on the left. If you just need enough music for a short jog, then 1GB will be fine - that should hold well over an hour of mp3s. If you have a truly massive library of songs, then you might want to try an mp3 player in the 40GB+ category. If neither of these are quite right, then there are plenty of options in between!

Mp3 Player Alternatives to the iPod

As usual, all the iPod Nano models come in a variety of colours to suit your taste, and if Apple isn't your thing then there are many great mp3 players from Sony, Philips, Archos, Sandik, Kubik, Creative, Samsung and Alba.

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